Source code for behave_webdriver.driver

import time
import json
import os
from functools import partial

from selenium import webdriver
from import Options as ChromeOptions
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options as FirefoxOptions
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException, WebDriverException
from import WebDriverWait
from import By
from import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import Color
from import Select as _Select

from behave_webdriver.conditions import (element_is_present,

class Select(_Select):
    def select_by_attr(self, attr, attr_value):
        css = 'option[{} ={}]'.format(attr, self._escapeString(attr_value))
        opts = self._el.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, css)
        matched = False
        for opt in opts:
            matched = True
            if not self.is_multiple:
        if not matched:
            raise NoSuchElementException("Cannot locate option by {} attribue with value of '{}'".format(attr,

[docs]class BehaveDriverMixin(object): """ Implements most of the general (I.E. not browser-specific) logic for step implementations. Intended to be used with subclasses of any selenium webdriver. >>> from behave_webdriver.driver import BehaveDriverMixin >>> from somewhere import SomeDriver >>> class MyBehaveDriver(BehaveDriverMixin, SomeDriver): ... pass >>> behave_driver = MyBehaveDriver() >>> behave_driver.get('') Can also be used with other mixins designed for selenium, such as selenium-requests >>> from behave_webdriver.driver import BehaveDriverMixin >>> from seleniumrequests import RequestMixin >>> from selenium import webdriver >>> class BehavingRequestDriver(BehaveDriverMixin, RequestMixin, webdriver.Chrome): ... pass >>> behave_driver = BehavingRequestDriver() >>> response = behave_driver.request('GET', '') """ _driver_name = '' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_wait = kwargs.pop('default_wait', 1.5) super(BehaveDriverMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default_wait = default_wait def wait(self, wait_time=None): if wait_time is None: wait_time = self.default_wait return WebDriverWait(self, wait_time) @property def alert(self): """ Property shortcut for an ``Alert`` object for the driver Note: this will return an Alert instance regardless of whether or not there is actually an alert present. Use ``has_alert`` to check whether or not there is an alert currently present. :return: an selenium.webdriver.common.alert.Alert instance """ return self.switch_to.alert @property def screen_size(self): """ Property for the current driver window size. Can also be set by assigning an x/y tuple. :return: tuple of the screen dimensions (x, y) """ size = self.get_window_size() x = size['width'] y = size['height'] return (x, y) @screen_size.setter def screen_size(self, size): """ :param size: The dimensions to set the screen to in (x, y) format. :type size: tuple :return: """ x, y = size if x is None: x = self.screen_size[0] if y is None: y = self.screen_size[1] self.set_window_size(x, y) @property def cookies(self): """ Shortcut for driver.get_cookies() """ return self.get_cookies() @property def has_alert(self): """ Whether or not there is currently an alert present :return: True if there is an alert present, else False :rtype: bool """ try: WebDriverWait(self, 1).until(EC.alert_is_present()) alert = self.switch_to.alert return True except TimeoutException: return False @property def primary_handle(self): """ shortcut for window_handles[0] :returns: the primary (first) window handle """ return self.window_handles[0] @property def secondary_handles(self): """ shortcut for window_handles[1:] :returns: list of window handles :rtype: list """ if len(self.window_handles) > 1: return self.window_handles[1:] else: return [] @property def last_opened_handle(self): return self.window_handles[-1]
[docs] def get_element(self, selector, by=None): """ Takes a selector string and uses an appropriate method (XPATH or CSS selector by default) to find a WebElement The optional `by` argument can be supplied to specify any locating method explicitly. This is used to resolve selectors from step definition strings to actual element objects :param selector: The selector to use, an XPATH or CSS selector :type selector: str :param by: alternate method used to locate element, e.g. ( See attributes :return: WebElement object """ if by: return self.find_element(by, selector) if selector.startswith('/'): return self.find_element_by_xpath(selector) else: return self.find_element_by_css_selector(selector)
[docs] def get_element_text(self, element): """ Takes in a selector, finds the element, and extracts the text. When present on the WebElement, the element's 'value' property is returned. (For example, this is useful for getting the current text of Input elements) If the element has no 'value' property, the containing text is returned (elem.text) :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :return: the text contained within the element. :rtype: str """ elem = self.get_element(element) value = elem.get_property('value') if value is not None: return value return elem.text
[docs] def get_element_attribute(self, element, attr, css=False, expected_value=None): """ Get the value of an attribute or css attribute from an element. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :param attr: The attribute to lookup :type attr: str :param css: Whether or not this is a CSS atrribute :type css: bool :param expected_value: :return: The value of the attribute """ elem = self.get_element(element) if css: value = elem.value_of_css_property(attr) if self.is_color(value): value = Color.from_string(value) if expected_value: if self.is_color(expected_value): expected_value = Color.from_string(expected_value) return value, expected_value else: value = elem.get_attribute(attr) return value
[docs] def get_element_size(self, element): """ Returns a dictionary containing the size information of an element. The dictionary has two keys: 'width' and 'height' which represent the size of the element dimensions in px :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :return: A dictionary with size information :rtype: dict """ elem = self.get_element(element) return elem.size
[docs] def get_element_location(self, element): """ Gets the location of the element in the renderable canvas. This is a dict with two keys: 'x' and 'y' :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :return: the element's location :rtype: dict """ elem = self.get_element(element) return elem.location
[docs] def open_url(self, url): """ Navigate to an absolute URL Behaves same as ``driver.get`` but serves as a common entry-point for subclasses wanting to change this. :param url: an absolute URL including the scheme :type url: str :return: """ return self.get(url)
[docs] def element_exists(self, element): """ Whether or not an element exists. Attempts to locate the element using `get_element` returns True if the element was found, False if it couldn't be located. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :return: True if the element could be found, False if it couldn't be found :rtype: bool """ try: self.get_element(element) # attempt to get the element return True # if it succeeded, return True except NoSuchElementException: # The element was not able to be located return False
[docs] def element_visible(self, element): """ Checks if an element is visible or not. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :return: True if the element is visible, else False :rtype: bool """ elem = self.get_element(element) return elem.is_displayed()
[docs] def element_in_viewport(self, element): """ Determines the bounding box (rect) of the window and rect of the element. This information is used to determine whether or not the element is *completely* within the viewport. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :return: """ elem = self.get_element(element) elem_left_bound = elem.location.get('x') elem_top_bound = elem.location.get('y') elem_width = elem.size.get('width') elem_height = elem.size.get('height') elem_right_bound = elem_left_bound + elem_width elem_lower_bound = elem_top_bound + elem_height win_upper_bound = self.execute_script('return window.pageYOffset') win_left_bound = self.execute_script('return window.pageXOffset') win_width = self.execute_script('return document.documentElement.clientWidth') win_height = self.execute_script('return document.documentElement.clientHeight') win_right_bound = win_left_bound + win_width win_lower_bound = win_upper_bound + win_height return all((win_left_bound <= elem_left_bound, win_right_bound >= elem_right_bound, win_upper_bound <= elem_top_bound, win_lower_bound >= elem_lower_bound) )
[docs] def element_enabled(self, element): """ Checks if an element is enabled or not. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :return: True if the element is enabled, else False :rtype: bool """ elem = self.get_element(element) return elem.is_enabled()
def element_focused(self, element): elem = self.get_element(element) focused_elem = self.switch_to.active_element return elem == focused_elem
[docs] def element_selected(self, element): """ Checks if an element is selected or not. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :return: True if the element is selected, else False :rtype: bool """ elem = self.get_element(element) return elem.is_selected()
[docs] def element_contains(self, element, value): """ Checks if an element contains (in value/text) a given string/value :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :param value: the text/value to check for :type value: str :return: True or False, whether or not the value was found in the element. :rtype: bool """ elem = self.get_element(element) element_value = elem.get_property('value') if element_value is None: element_value = elem.text return value in element_value
[docs] def element_has_class(self, element, cls): """ Checks whether or not an element has a particular css class. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :param cls: The css class to check for :type cls: str :return: True if the element has the specified class, else False :rtype: bool """ elem = self.get_element(element) elem_classes = elem.get_attribute('class') return cls in elem_classes
[docs] def click_element(self, element): """ Click on an element. Note: this will not trigger some doubleclick events, even when n=2 with any delay. Instead, if you want to doubleclick, use `doubleclick_element` :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str """ elem = self.get_element(element)
[docs] def doubleclick_element(self, element): """ Double click an element :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :return: """ elem = self.get_element(element) actions = ActionChains(self) actions.double_click(elem) actions.perform()
[docs] def drag_element(self, element, to_element): """ Drag an element to the location of another element. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :param to_element: the selector used to locate the destination element :type to_element: str :return: """ source_elem = self.get_element(element) to_elem = self.get_element(to_element) actions = ActionChains(self) actions.drag_and_drop(source_elem, to_elem) actions.perform()
[docs] def submit(self, element): """ Shortcut for submitting an element :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :return: """ elem = self.get_element(element) elem.submit()
[docs] def send_keys(self, keys): """ Send arbitrary keys. Note: this is different than sending keys directly to an element. :param keys: keys to send :return: """ actions = ActionChains(self) actions.send_keys(keys) actions.perform()
[docs] def press_button(self, button): """ Send a keystroke simulating the press of a given button. You can use keys as strings (e.g. 'a', 'z') or any key names (e.g. the 'escape' key). When the length of the button argument is greater than one character, names are checked against selenium.webdriver.common.keys.Keys first. :param button: A single character or key name :type button: str :return: """ if len(button) > 1: button = getattr(Keys, button.upper(), button) self.send_keys(button)
[docs] def scroll_to_bottom(self): """ Scrolls the current window to the bottom of the window (0, document.body.scrollHeight). """ self.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
[docs] def scroll_to_element(self, element): """ Scroll to the location of an element. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :return: """ location = self.get_element_location(element) x = location['x'] y = location['y'] self.scroll_to(x, y)
[docs] def scroll_to(self, x, y): """ Scroll to a particular (x, y) coordinate. :param x: the x coordinate to scroll to. :type x: int :param y: the y coordinate to scroll to. :type y: int :return: """ # prevent script injection x = int(x) y = int(y) self.execute_script('window.scrollTo({}, {});'.format(x, y))
[docs] def move_to_element(self, element, offset=None): """ Moves the mouse to the middle of an element :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :type element: str :param offset: optional tuple of x/y offsets to offset mouse from center :type offset: tuple :return: """ elem = self.get_element(element) actions = ActionChains(self) if offset: actions.move_to_element_with_offset(elem, *offset) else: actions.move_to_element(elem) actions.perform()
[docs] def pause(self, milliseconds): """ Pause for a number of miliseconds. ``time.sleep`` is used here due to issues with w3c browsers and ActionChain pause feature. :param milliseconds: number of miliseconds to wait :type milliseconds: int :return: """ seconds = round(milliseconds / 1000, 3) time.sleep(seconds)
[docs] def wait_for_element_condition(self, element, ms, negative, condition): """ Wait on an element until a certain condition is met, up to a maximum amount of time to wait. :param element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the element :param ms: maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for the condition to be true :param negative: whether or not the check for negation of condition. Will coarse boolean from value :param condition: the condition to check for. Defaults to checking for presence of element :return: element """ if not ms: seconds = self.default_wait else: seconds = round(ms / 1000, 3) condition_text_map = { 'be checked': element_is_selected, 'be enabled': element_is_enabled, 'be selected': element_is_selected, 'be visible': element_is_visible, 'contain a text': element_contains_text, 'contain a value': element_contains_value, 'exist': element_is_present, } if condition: expected = condition_text_map[condition] else: expected = element_is_present if element.startswith('/'): locator = (By.XPATH, element) else: locator = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, element) wait = WebDriverWait(self, seconds) try: result = wait.until(expected(locator, negative=bool(negative))) except TimeoutException: result = None return result
[docs] def select_option(self, select_element, by, by_arg): """ Implements features for selecting options in Select elements. Uses selenium's ``Select`` support class. :param select_element: CSS Selector or XPATH used to locate the select element containing options :param by: the method for selecting the option, valid options include any select_by_X supported by ``Select``. :type by: str :return: """ select_elem = self.get_element(select_element) select = Select(select_elem) select_method = getattr(select, 'select_by_'+by, partial(select.select_by_attr, by)) select_method(by_arg)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_color(str_): """ Whether or not the string represents a color. :param str_: :return: """ try: Color.from_string(str_) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]class Chrome(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.Chrome): """ Chrome driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """ _driver_name = 'chromedriver' @classmethod def headless(cls, *args, **kwargs): chrome_options = kwargs.pop('chrome_options', None) if chrome_options is None: chrome_options = ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') kwargs['chrome_options'] = chrome_options return cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class PhantomJS(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.PhantomJS): """ PhantomJS driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """ pass
[docs]class Firefox(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.Firefox): """ Firefox driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """ _driver_name = 'geckodriver' @classmethod def headless(cls, *args, **kwargs): firefox_options = kwargs.pop('firefox_options', None) if firefox_options is None: firefox_options = FirefoxOptions() firefox_options.add_argument('--headless') kwargs['firefox_options'] = firefox_options return cls(*args, **kwargs) @property def secondary_handles(self): self.switch_to.window(self.current_window_handle) try: # FIXME: there must be a better way self.wait(1).until(EC.new_window_is_opened(self.window_handles)) self.switch_to.window(self.current_window_handle) except TimeoutException: pass return super(Firefox, self).secondary_handles @property def last_opened_handle(self): self.switch_to.window(self.current_window_handle) return super(Firefox, self).last_opened_handle def click_element(self, element): self.scroll_to_element(element) super(Firefox, self).click_element(element)
[docs] def doubleclick_element(self, element): """ Overrides the doubleclick method to first scroll to element, and adds JS shim for doubleclick """ self.scroll_to_element(element) elem = self.get_element(element) script = ("var evObj = new MouseEvent('dblclick', {bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window}); " " arguments[0].dispatchEvent(evObj);") self.execute_script(script, elem)
def move_to_element(self, element, offset=None): self.scroll_to_bottom() self.scroll_to_element(element) super(Firefox, self).move_to_element(element, offset=offset)
[docs]class Ie(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.Ie): """ Ie driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """ _driver_name = 'IEDriverServer'
[docs]class Edge(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.Edge): """ Edge driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """ _driver_name = 'msedgedriver'
[docs]class Opera(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.Opera): """ Opera driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """
[docs]class Safari(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.Safari): """ Safari driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """ _driver_name = 'safaridriver'
[docs]class BlackBerry(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.BlackBerry): """ BlackBerry driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """
[docs]class Android(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.Android): """ Android driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """
[docs]class Remote(BehaveDriverMixin, webdriver.Remote): """ Remote driver class. Alternate constructors and browser-specific logic is implemented here. """