Advanced usage; extending behave-webdriver

behave-webdriver is designed with you in-mind. You are free to extend the behavior of our webdriver classes to suit your unique needs. You can subclass our webdriver classes, use a custom selenium webdriver, write your own mixin, or use a mixin somebody else provides for selenium.

Example: selenium-requests

selenium-requests is a preexisting project that adds functionality of the popular requests library to selenium. It is simple to use selenium-requests with behave-webdriver. The following, and other examples, are available in the repo examples directory and in the full documentation.

# examples/selenium-requests/features/
from selenium import webdriver # or any custom webdriver
from behave_webdriver.driver import BehaveDriverMixin
from seleniumrequests import RequestMixin # or your own mixin

class BehaveRequestDriver(BehaveDriverMixin, RequestMixin, webdriver.Chrome):

def before_all(context):
    context.behave_driver = BehaveRequestDriver()
# examples/selenium-requests/features/steps/
from behave import *
from behave_webdriver.steps import *
from urllib.parse import urljoin

@given('I send a {method} request to the page "{page}"')
def send_request_page(context, method, page):
    url = urljoin(context.base_url, page)
    context.response = context.behave_driver.request(method, url)

@then('I expect the response text contains "{text}"')
def check_response_text_contains(context, text):
    assert text in context.response.text
# examples/selenium-requests/features/selenium-requests.feature
Feature: Using selenium-requests
  As a developer
  I should be able to extend behave-webdriver with selenium-requests

  Scenario: use selenium-requests with behave-webdriver
    # use a behave-webdriver step
    Given the base url is ""
    # use your own steps using selenium-requests features
    Given I send a GET request to the page "/"
    Then I expect the response text contains "<h1>DEMO APP</h1>"

Assuming you’re in the repository root (and have the demo app running) just run like any other project with behave

Results ✨

(behave-webdriver) $ behave examples/selenium-requests/features

DevTools listening on ws://
Feature: Using selenium-requests # examples/selenium-requests/features/requests.feature:1
  As a developer
  I should be able to extend behave-webdriver with selenium-requests
  Scenario: use selenium-requests with behave-webdriver          # examples/selenium-requests/features/requests.feature:6
    Given the base url is ""                # behave_webdriver/steps/
    Given I send a GET request to the page "/"                   # examples/selenium-requests/features/steps/
    Then I expect the response text contains "<h1>DEMO APP</h1>" # examples/selenium-requests/features/steps/

1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
3 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m1.385s